Pagan Lemonade by Paul McKee
A5, 42 pages, full colour & b/w digital printing, perfect bound, edition of 100, 2015
Paul has been a long time favorite of Verdrusz, one of Glasgow's most talented and unique artists and a good friend as well.
Some of his recent paintings and sculptures are gathered in this little volume, alongside some b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l installation views, sketchbook work and some more loose sheets, and it's all magnificient.
Paul's work is a bit like an evocation of the greatness that's hidden in all those things that you've got lying around in your hallway, or your subconscious, or in a shop that someone abandoned in a hurry,
all that molded into these beautifully alive object renderings that radiate with something you can't quite put your finger on, and probably shouldn't.
When I went to his studio he had these super-free(aky) guitar improvisations droning in the back and it seems like Paul just dragged these sounds right out of the speakers and hammered them flat and colored them in, and it was the most perfect and lively colors one could think of, pink and blue and orange and so many shades of white.