Untitled by Mirjam Jacob
£8.50 / Sold Out
A5, 40 pages, full color & b/w digital print, perfect bound, Softcover, 2015
Mirjam I have known for many years now, I think it's safe to say she is the best draughtswoman/collagist/painter to ever come out of Leipzig, if not the whole continent, and this little volume is but another indicator of that.
If you ever lie awake at night, thinking "What if modernism hadn't gone wrong" just pick up this little best friend of a book and you'll know, and insomnia won't feel that bad after all - if only the night could last f-o-r-e-v-e-r------
Anyway, Mirjam is once again ahead, above and beyond what everyone else is doing, coming up with the kind of vibrant glass colorings that most churches would be envious of (if only they knew) as well as a lot of moving folk, hikers and vehicles that are off to wherever it's worth coming along to.
Also there's a few Robert Walser stories in between, very short ones that are also very good.