What R U Like by David Roeder
£10.00 / Sold Out
A5, 122 pages, Black & White laser printed, Perfect bound, Green or Beige covers, Softcover, Full colour postcard insert, text translation on yellow slip, 2014
A collection of 116 previously discarded paintings and
drawings that David gave himself a couple weeks to “fix”.
The result is a mixed bag indeed: Frustrated smudges go hand in hand with patiently rendered decrepit landscapes and suprisingly endearing last-minute-relevations. A few mopey comics as well and a lot of abandoned figurations that are stuck in an endless state of in between-ness. The (in his eyes) worst pages he sneakily covered up with postacrds and photographs he found lying around, which manage to open the gates to yet another, more personal dimension.
It really is all and nothing in this one, a glimpse into the
transcendental frustration that accompanies every step of making things like a dog that follows you around even when you are least aware of it, silent paws in the night.
Although instantly bewildering (most of all to the David himself), this is one to go back to again and again just to reassure oneself if it actually looked that bad/good. In the end, it is hard to tell and maybe also besides the point.